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Show 1206: Live Coronavirus Update to Answer Your Questions

Show 1206: Live Coronavirus Update to Answer Your Questions

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Information on the coronavirus pandemic is changing hourly. The US now has more COVID-19 cases than any other country. For this live coronavirus update on March 28, 2020, we have asked infectious disease expert and epidemiologist Dr. David Weber to answer your questions about COVID-19. Learn how you can protect yourself and your family.

To maximize safety and minimize the number of people in the studio, we have asked our telephone screener to stay at home. Instead, we’ll be taking your questions via email: That will be the best way you can participate in the live coronavirus update show. What would you like to know about the pandemic?

Where Did This Virus Originate?

Scientists have analyzed the virus and traced its origins to viruses in bats. If bats are the source of this disease, why don’t they get sick and die? Bats have a super-strong immune system that protects them, while humans are vulnerable.

How Is It Transmitted?

This virus is readily transmitted from one person to another. How does that happen? What practices reduce your risks of catching it? How can you keep from spreading it? There are reports that people can test positive even though they have no symptoms. Can they also be spreading the infection? Can they have organ damage without knowing it?

Hopes for a Treatment:

There is at present no vaccine and no specific drug treatment for COVID-19. In this live coronavirus update, find out what drugs are being tested. Is there any hope that we could get a handle on this disease before a vaccine is developed? Why are doctors in Australia getting a century-old vaccination called BCG?

Your Questions Are Welcome:

What would you like to know about COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes it? Send your questions to so that Dr. Weber can address them.

This Week's Guest:

David Weber, MD, MPH, is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He is also Professor of Epidemiology at the Gillings School of Global Public Health and Medical Director of UNC Hospitals’ Departments of Hospital Epidemiology (Infection Prevention). In addition, Dr. Weber is Associate Chief Medical Officer of UNC Health Care.

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