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Show 849: Move a Little, Lose a Lot
Research shows that a sedentary lifestyle is inimical to good health. Even exercising a couple of times a week may not counteract the dangers of sitting in front of a computer monitor for most of our waking hours.
Counteracting that hazard might be easier than it seems, though. You could install a treadmill in front of your desk, or you could just walk down the hall to see your co-worker rather than sending an email. Non-exercise activity can burn more calories than you might imagine, counteract fatigue and make you feel mentally sharp. How can you take advantage of this new research finding?
James A. Levine, MD, PhD, is Professor of Medicine in the Department of Endocrinology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. His book, co-authored with Selene Yeager, is Move a Little, Lose a Lot.