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Show 935: Forget the Ick Factor--Stool Transplants Can Save Lives

Show 935: Forget the Ick Factor--Stool Transplants Can Save Lives

$ 0.00

Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infections can cause devastating diarrhea. This poses an increasingly frequent complication to hospitalization or time in a rehab facility. Although C. diff may be treated with various high-potency antibiotics, it doesn't always respond and may come back time after time. One unique treatment uses stool transplants to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria that can crowd out the C. diff.

Overcoming Recurrent C Diff Infections:

We hear from one woman whose recurrent C. diff infections nearly killed her. A stool transplant saved her life. Find out how she managed it and why it inspired her to start a foundation.

We also talk with a physician who has become renowned for his pioneering work in applying new technology to the surprisingly ancient healing approach of stool transplants.

The Guests for This Episode:

Catherine Duff is founder and president of the Fecal Transplant Foundation. The website is The photo is of Ms. Duff.

Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, is Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is chief emeritus of gastroenterology at Montefiore University Hospital in New York and a past president of the American College of Gastroenterology.

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